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Woman Killed in Drone Strike on Russia’s Belgorod Region

A house damaged in the drone attack on Thursday.

A woman was killed in a Ukrainian drone strike on southwestern Russia’s Belgorod region, local authorities said Thursday.

Photos shared by Belgorod region Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov showed the second floor of a house that partially collapsed as a result of the attack.

“Unfortunately, there was a victim — the body of a woman was found under the rubble,” he wrote on Telegram.

Gladkov said the drone strike took place in the village of Krasnyi Vostok, some 45 kilometers away from the border with northeastern Ukraine’s Kharkiv region, where Russian forces launched a surprise ground offensive earlier this month.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said Thursday its air defense forces had shot down 35 Ukrainian missiles and three drones over the Belgorod region overnight.

Belgorod has been regularly targeted by Ukrainian attacks since Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022.

Gladkov said last month that 120 civilians had been killed and more than 650 others had been wounded in Belgorod since the start of the war.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine’s Kharikv region, four people were killed and six others were wounded in Russian attacks on Thursday, according to authorities there.

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