1. Andrei Kolesnikov report headlined "Semi-human rights activists" gives an account of President Vladimir Putin's meeting with members of the human rights council; pp 1, 3 (2,559 words).
2. Yekaterina Gerashchenko article headlined "We are not coffins, coffins are not we" says that the Moscow city authorities have put up for sale shares of 15 funeral companies. The authorities' partners in this sector have opposed the move; pp 1, 10 (651 words).
3. Mikhail Serov and Olga Mordyushenko article headlined "Turkmenistan looks good instead of Russia" says that Turkmenistan is actively developing gas cooperation in China while Russian-Chinese gas talks have reached a deadlock; pp 1, 9 (656 words).
4. Yelena Kiseleva and Yegor Popov article headlined "Our heavy engines" says that the state-run bank VEB will refinance the debts of the Saturn Science and Production Association, which produces engines for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft and fifth-generation fighters; pp 1, 5 (778 words).
5. Maxim Ivanov et al. article headlined "Voting to be checked by poll" says that the campaign headquarters of two Moscow mayoral candidates, Nikolai Levichev from the A Just Russia party, and Alexei Navalny from the RPR-Parnas party, as well as the VTsIOM state public opinion research center and the Public Opinion Foundation plan to conduct exit polls at the Sept. 8 election; p 2 (503 words).
6. Irina Nagornykh article headlined "People's Front to gather after registration" says that the public movement People's Front for Russia has decided to hold a forum on Dec. 4-6, in which President Putin will take part; p 2 (527 words).
7. Ivan Safronov article headlined "In committees and space missions" says that Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has chaired a meeting to discuss reforms in the space sector; p 2 (470 words).
8. Natalya Gorodetskaya and Irina Nagornykh article headlined "Nongovernmental organizations to receive more on human rights activity" says that at a meeting with human rights activists, President Putin announced that additional 200 million rubles ($6 million) will be allocated to nongovernmental human rights organizations by the end of the year; p 3 (597 words).
9. Maria Yefimova article headlined "Magnitsky case not closed for PACE" says that the PACE committee on legal affairs and human rights has approved a draft resolution on late Hermitage Capital lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, which condemns the Russian authorities for the refusal to investigate high-profile corruption-related crimes and Magnitsky's death; p 4 (434 words).
10. Anna Solodovnikova and Kirill Melnikov article headlined "Rosneft does not get through pile once again" says that the state-run companies Rosneft and Transneft have clashed over a petrochemical project; p 5 (552 words).
11. Natalya Skorlygina and Mikhail Serov article headlined "Passing oil gas goes astray" says that competition between Russian independent gas manufacturers has become fiercer; p 9 (608 words).
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
1. Petr Tverdov and Alexandra Samarina article headlined "State itself encourages demand for political radicalism" looks at President Putin's interview given to Channel One and Associated Press, focusing on his views of the political system and stability in Russia. The article also features experts' comments on the issue; p 1, 3 (1,475 words).
2. Alexandra Samarina article headlined "Country losing Golos" says that Lilia Shibanova, the head of the nongovernmental organization Golos, which has been monitoring elections for many years, has left Russia. Golos will monitor elections in Europe, the article says; p 1-2 (425 words).
3. Darya Tsilyurik article headlined "Al-Qaeda looking for silver bullet" says that according to a classified U.S. intelligence report leaked to Washington Post by U.S. whistle-blower Edward Snowden, the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization is working on an anti-drone strategy, i.e. ways to shoot down, disorientate or steal U.S. unmanned aircraft; p 1-2 (616 words).
4. Igor Naumov and Mikhail Sergeyev article headlined "Middle class reaches for arms" says that a public opinion poll conducted by the VTsIOM state public opinion research center has shown that the number of proponents of legalizing firearms has increased by 9 percent to 39 percent over a year. But, according to the Levada Center independent pollster, the number of such people stands at mere 15 percent; p 1, 4 (1,054 words).
5. Anton Khodasevich article headlined "Moscow and Minsk engage in close combat" looks ahead at Russian-Belarussian talks to be held today in Moscow. This comes amid a progressing trade war between the countries; p 1, 6 (627 words).
6. Yury Panyev article headlined "'Prima facie evidence needed...'" says that in an interview given to Channel One and Associated Press, President Putin has said that Russia might back a military operation against Syria if the UN Security Council authorizes the move; p 1, 7 (1,108 words).
7. Editorial headlined "Moscow warns" says that Russia has no other tools to influence the U.S., except for its military strength, but the latter is not very useful in settling political and geopolitical problems; p 2 (533 words).
8. Alexei Gorbachev article headlined "Staking on low voter turnout" looks at the Sept. 8 election campaign in the Yaroslavl region, which turned to be one of the dirtiest, but the most interesting in Russia; p 3 (717 words).
9. Alexei Moiseyev article published in the Carte Blanche column headlined "No alternative to UN Security Council decisions" contemplates the efficiency of the UN and says that attempts to act by-passing the UN Security Council undermine the authority of not only the council, but also the UN; p 3 (776 words).
10. Alexei Gorbachev and Alexandra Samarina brief report headlined "Putin discusses law about nongovernmental organizations with human rights activists" looks at the most interesting points discussed at President Putin's meeting with the human rights council representatives; p 3 (269 words).
11. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Viktor Yanukovich wants to sit on two chairs" describes Russian-Ukrainian relations given Ukraine's plans for integration with the EU; p 6 (1,089 words).
12. Yevgenia Novikova article headlined "Egypt to build democracy without Muslim Brotherhood" looks at a television interview given by the acting Egyptian president and features Russian experts' comments on the situation in Egypt, where the Islamists' activity is declining; p 7 (867 words).
1. Timofey Dzyadko et al. article headlined "Sechin's creditor" says that Rosneft top managers, including CEO Igor Sechin, have acquired or increased stakes in the company. Gazprombank financed the purchases, the article says; pp 1, 14 (501 words).
2. Bela Lyauv and Margarita Lyutova article headlined "Moscow Region slows down Moscow" says that poorly-developed transport infrastructure in the Moscow region whittles down all the Moscow city authorities' efforts to reduce traffic jams; pp 1, 4 (483 words).
3. Editorial headlined "Figures of speech" says that in an interview given to Channel One and Associated Press, President Putin has virtually addressed Moscow mayoral candidate Sergei Sobyanin with words of encouragement. In Russia, the president's words are seen as declarative acts meant to influence the population and the elite, the article says; pp 1, 6 (441 words).
4. Editorial headlined "Reform in space" welcomes pending reforms in the Russian space sector; p 6 (281 words).
5. Svetlana Bocharova and Lilia Biryukova article headlined "Reform back-pedalled" says that at a meeting with human rights activists, Putin promised to revise two controversial laws: One envisages reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences and the other obliges nongovernmental organizations financed from abroad to register as foreign agents; p 2 (387 words).
6. Arina Dmitriyeva article headlined "Criminals like we" comments on Russia's migration policy and looks at the rate of crimes committed by migrants; p 6 (755 words).
7. Maxim Tovkaylo et al. article headlined "Minister taken from front" says that activist from the All-Russia People's Front, Alexander Galushka, will become the Russian Far East development minister; p 4 (677 words).
8. Alexei Nikolsky article headlined "S-300 [missiles] not to save Syria" says that Russia has managed to supply only certain components of S-300 missiles to Syria as part of the S-300 delivery contract, so Syria's air defense is vulnerable to U.S. air attacks; p 2 (363 words).
9. Maria Eysmont article headlined "Simple nature of protest" says that the Russian authorities fear mass protests in Moscow following the Sept. 8 mayoral election; p 7 (444 words).
1. Ivan Cheberko article headlined "Cost of rocket launches to be determined in police" says that the investigations department of the Moscow Region Main Interior Directorate is investigating a fraud case involving the Energomash Science and Production Association, which produces engines for Zenit rockets; pp 1-2 (601 words).
2. Vladimir Zykov article headlined "Federation Council to check agencies' websites" says that the Federation Council commission for developing information society will inspect information systems and websites of Russian ministries and agencies; pp 1, 3 (520 words).
3. Lyudmila Podobedova article headlined "Igor Sechin suggests freezing Transneft's tariffs" says that the oil company Rosneft has opposed a rise in the oil pumping tariffs through pipelines owned by Transneft; pp 1, 3 (662 words).
4. Natalya Bashlykova article headlined "New parties fight with spoilers for place in system" says that the Sept. 8 elections will become a test for newly-established parties. It is evident now that new parties are unprepared for serious political activities from the organizational and psychological point of view, experts say; pp 1-2 (1,299 words).
5. Svetlana Subbotina article headlined "LGBT representatives wait for meeting with Vladimir Putin" says that the Russian LGBT community has asked President Putin for a meeting; p 2 (908 words).
6. Andrei Gridasov and Gaydar Batyrkhanov article headlined "Suspect in attack on Putin enters plea bargain" says that the Moscow city court will hear in a special procedure the case of one of the suspects in an attempt on President Putin's life; p 4 (488 words).
7. Maria Gorkovskaya and Tatyana Baykova article headlined "Obama treats Congress with 'heavy artillery'" says that the US Senate foreign affairs committee has approved a draft resolution on a military operation in Syria. Now U.S. President Barack Obama is trying to win approval of the operation from the U.S. Congress. The article features Russian expert's comments on the issue; p 7 (501 words).
8. Konstantin Volkov article headlined "Federation Council and Public Chamber want to help Syria out of attack" says that the Federation Council is trying to establish a dialogue with U.S. senators over the Syrian issue. The Public Chamber is planning to address President Barack Obama at the G20 summit in St Petersburg; p 7 (535 words).
9. Political analyst Boris Mezhuyev article headlined "Sitting apart" says that the G20 summit is the last chance for Russia and the U.S. to come to terms over the Syrian issue; p 9 (908 words).
10. Leonid Zlotin article headlined "Water calmness" attracts readers' attention to limited media coverage of heavy floods in Russia's Far East and criticizes the Russian authorities' policy on the region's development; p 9 (586 words).
Rossiiskaya Gazeta
1. Anna Zakatnova article headlined "Good-will gestures" features President Putin's most interesting statements made in an interview given to Channel One and Associated Press; pp 1, 3 (4,245 words).
2. Yevgeny Shestakov article headlined "Syria to be bombed for sake of peace?" details a draft resolution on a U.S. military attack on Syria passed by the U.S. Senate foreign affairs committee; pp 1, 8 (726 words).
3. Zakhar Gelman article headlined "Irony of fate or slightly scared" says that U.S.-Israeli missile tests in the Mediterranean have turned to be a surprise even for locals; p 7 (413 words).
4. Sergei Ptichkin article headlined "What do Israeli missiles-targets aim at?" says that according to sources in the Defense Ministry, Israel and the U.S. held missile tests in the Mediterranean to detect the location of Syria's air defense elements; p 7 (563 words).
5. Leonid Pchelnikov and Viktor Feshchenko article headlined "Life accompanied with cannonade" describes the life of refugees in the Kilis camp on the Turkish-Syrian border; p 8 (847 words).
6. Olga Dmitriyeva article headlined "Cameron believes in G20" says that the U.K. is considering a possibility of settling the Syrian crisis diplomatically; p 8 (318 words).
7. Mikhail Gusman interview headlined "Korea of all tastes" with South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who speaks about Russian-South Korean relations and the forthcoming G20 summit in St. Petersburg; p 11 (1,949 words).
Moskovsky Komsomolets
1. Konstantin Smirnov article headlined "In zone of risky ruble" says that the ruble has continued cheapening against the euro and the dollar; pp 1, 4 (730 words).
2. Mikhail Rostovsky and Mikhail Zubov article headlined "Putin and Obama: At first drink, then quarrel" comments on Russian-U.S. relations and focuses on President Putin's statements about Syria in an interview given to Channel One and Associated Press; pp 1-2 (1,795 words).
3. Tatyana Zamakhin article headlined "Putin thinks about amnesty" describes President Putin's meeting with human rights activists; p 2 (584 words).
4. Ilya Baranikas article headlined "Go-ahead given to attack on Syria" says that the U.S. Congress will likely give the green light to a military operation against Syria because key politicians have backed the move; p 2 (969 words).
5. Matvey Ganapolsky article headlined "Go you all!" explains why the journalist has decided to vote in the Moscow mayoral election and calls on readers to follow the example; p 3 (751 words).
6. Natalya Vedeneyeva article headlined "Russian Federal Space Agency begins to bifurcate" features experts' comments on pending reforms in the Russian Federal Space Agency; p 10 (678 words).
Noviye Izvestia
1. Diana Yevdokimova article headlined "Science of stealing" says that the Anti-Plagiat company has revealed that over 1,500 dissertations in Russia have been forged; pp 1, 5 (783 words).
2. Mikhail Nikiforenko interview with political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin, headlined "Authorities will acquire legitimate opponents along with legitimacy", who speaks about the Sept. 8 election campaign in Russia; pp 1-2 (1,132 words).
3. Veronika Vorontsova article headlined "Money melts away" says that many flood victims in Russia's Far East are facing problems in getting compensations for lost property; pp 1, 5 (1,069 words).
4. Yulia Savina article headlined "In sparing mode" looks ahead at the G20 summit which opens today in St. Petersburg; p 2 (460 words).
5. Dmitry Selyavin article headlined "They take counsel about rights" zooms in at Putin's meeting with human rights activists; p 2 (624 words).
6. Gennady Savchenko article headlined "Grimace of multiple views" says that Ukraine is ready to join one of the agreements of the Customs Union, but experts doubt that Ukraine has given up plans for integration with the EU; p 3 (498 words).
RBC Daily
1. Unattributed article headlined "G20 to discuss capital fleeing Syria" says that a new crisis in developing states will be one of the main topics at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg and provides experts' comments; p 2 (650 words).
Komsomolskaya Pravda
1 Alexander Grishin article headlined "No shake hands for Obama" says that Obama is losing supporters in Russia and that a number of Russian human rights activists have declined invitations with the U.S. president in St. Petersburg; p 5 (400 words).
Komsomolskaya Pravda (weekly)
1. Igor Yakovlev interview with Moscow mayoral hopeful Sergei Mitrokhin headlined "I am third force in this election"; p 13 (1,250 words).
Tvoy Den
1. Anton Stepanov article headlined "Naked truth of Navalny" says that Leonid Volkov, the head of the election headquarters of Moscow mayoral candidate Alexei Navalny and father of a nine-month-old daughter, has been seen in a Moscow strip club; pp 1, 4-5 (400 words).
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