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What the Papers Say, Dec. 7, 2012

Igor Tabakov


1. Vladislav Novy et al. report headlined "MegaFon Gets Connected to Yevroset" says that the MegaFon telecommunications company has bought 50 percent of the Yevroset mobile retailer; pp 1, 13 (640 words).

2. Vladimir Dzaguto and Kirill Melnikov article headlined "RusHydro Gets Bad Advice" says that RusHydro's CEO Vladimir Tatsy is trying to postpone the company's additional issuance of shares; pp 1, 9 (875 words).

3. Yelena Kiseleva and Vladislav Trifonov article headlined "Rostekhnologii Loses 4 Mansions" says that the head of the company U.K. Razvitiye, owned by Moscow's property department, has been detained and charged with major fraud that has caused damage of at least 113 million rubles to the state corporation Rostekhnologii; pp 1, 3 (895 words).

4. Fedor Maksimov and Yevgeny Timoshkov article headlined "Pressure Grows in Moscow Arbitration Court" says that judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court Yelena Zotova, who has been assigned to deal with AFK Sistema's lawsuit against Russian Railways, has complained to the Investigative Committee that the chairman of the arbitration court exerted pressure on her and made her resign; pp 1, 5 (1,175 words).

5. Ivan Safronov and Yevgenia Kryuchkova article headlined "Sergei Shoigu Reverses Seal" says that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has ordered to file lawsuits to cancel or rule void a set of transactions on the sale of the ministry's property made under his predecessor Anatoly Serdyukov; p 2 (612 words).

6. Andrei Kolesnikov report headlined "Ombudsman Begins Human Rights Attack" gives an ironic account of President Vladimir Putin's meeting with Russian human rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin, during which Lukin suggested that the Federal Prison Service and the penal system should be reformed; p 2 (1,086 words).

7. Timur Samedov article headlined "TV Journalist Killed by the Name" says that law enforcers say that the murder of journalist of GTRK Vesti Kabarda-Balkaria TV Kazbek Gekkiyev has been committed by militants aiming to intimidate regional journalists; p 3 (502 words).

8. Maria Semendyayeva and Yury Yarotsky interview with Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky headlined "All Spheres of Culture Are Forgotten to This or That Segree," where Medinsky speaks about changes in his ministry and plans for reforms; p 4 (2,832 words).

9. Sergei Mashkin report "Yekaterina Smetanova Agrees to 3 Counts" says that suspect Yekaterina Smetanova, involved in the Defense Ministry's property fraud case, may be soon transferred from prison to stay under house arrest; p 5 (600 words).

10. Yury Barsukov article headlined "Far East Demands Property Sovereignty" says that the Far East Development Ministry has suggested that the ministry get a right to use all the federal property in the Far Eastern Federal District, control its use and carry out privatization; p 6 (530 words).

11. Alexei Shapovalov and Angelina Davydova article headlined "Climate Subconscious" looks at Russia's stance voiced at the Doha climate change conference; p 6 (706 words).

12. Kirill Belyaninov and Yelena Chernenko article headlined "Magnitsky list put into effect" says that the U.S. Senate has passed a bill to cancel the Jackson-Vanik amendment and introduce financial and visa sanctions against the Russian officials involved in the death of Hermitage Capital Fund lawyer Sergei Magnitsky; p 7 (640 words).

13. Yelena Chernenko article headlined "Russian Elections Need Majority in OSCE" says that at a meeting of OSCE Council of Foreign Ministers in Dublin Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has suggested that the OSCE introduce single rules for international election monitoring without the double standards that exist now; p 7 (709 words).

14. Maxim Yusin article headlined "Muslim Brotherhood Does Not Behave in Brotherly Ways" says that clashes between Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi's supporters and opponents are turning into a civil war and says that the situation will only deteriorate as the date of the referendum on a new constitution is approaching; p 7 (530 words).

15. Yelena Chernenko report "Russian Elections Lack Majority in OSCE" says that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a plenary session of the OSCE Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs in Dublin has called on the organization to introduce common rules of international monitoring of elections; p 7 (600 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Article by president of the National Strategy Institute Mikhail Remizov headlined "About Upbringing of Elites" says that the agenda of Vladimir Putin's third presidential term is moderately reformist; pp 1, 5 (1,667 words).

2. Alexei Gorbachev article headlined "Kremlin Experts and 'Revolution of Fur Coats'" says that the expert community was perplexed by the report presented by the Civil Society Development Foundation, in which they explained that protest rallies are already out of fashion and those who participated in the rallies for fair elections, in fact, support President Vladimir Putin deep inside and do not trust opposition leaders; pp 1, 3 (724 words).

3. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Russia Draws Ukraine Into Customs Union" says that Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's hint that Ukraine may join the Customs Union has caused deep indignation in Brussels; pp 1, 7 (1,150 words).

4. Ivan Rodin article headlined "Political Cannibalism Cancelled" says that the State Duma commission checking the deputies' income declarations has changed its strategy and will now work to improve the image of the entire State Duma and deputies; pp 1, 3 (607 words).

5. Andrei Melnikov article headlined "Matrona Versus Pussy Riot" looks at the second Forum of Orthodox Women attended by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All-Russia and at the ideas the Russian Orthodox Church is willing to promote; pp 1-2 (726 words).

6. Vladimir Mukhin article headlined "Anti-Missile Commonwealth" says that in response to the plans to set up a missile defense system in Europe, Moscow intends to create a collective missile defense system on the post-Soviet area; pp 1-2 (637 words).

7. Editorial headlined "Inefficient Art studies or Inefficient Criteria?" looks at the rumors about the merger of the Institute of Culture Studies with the Institute of Art Studies; p 2 (473 words).

8. Sergei Kulikov article headlined "Moscow and Beijing Make Friends With Memorandums" says that the meeting of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao has resulted in numerous memorandums of intention, but no breakthroughs; p 4 (631 words).

9. Anastasia Bashkatova article headlined "Alexei Kudrin Drafts Sensational Budget" says that the Russian healthcare system is underfinanced and the situation will hardly improve, and wonders why the website Open Budget launched by former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin gives statistics showing that healthcare is generously financed; p 4 (1,009 words).

10. Oleg Nikoforov article headlined "Battle for Czech Republic" says that the visit of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Prague is definitely linked with the tender to construct two units of a nuclear power plant, in which a U.S. company competes with a Czech-Russian consortium; p 6 (886 words).

11.Viktoria Panfilova article headlined "Rahmon Prepares Elections" says that a former bodyguard of one of the leaders of the United Tajik Opposition has been arrested. Experts attribute the move to the upcoming presidential campaign; p 7 (716 words).

12. Yury Simonyan article headlined "Russian Citizens to Be Released From Georgian Prisons" says that the Georgian parliament will soon discuss a bill on amnesty that will concern about 190 political prisoners including some 20 Russian citizens; p 7 (617 words).

13. Yevgeny Grigoryev article headlined "Berlin Gets Entangled in Middle East Tangle" looks at the recent visit of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Germany and at the relations between the countries; p 8 (637 words).

14. Nikolai Surkov article headlined "Compromise on Syria Expected From Russia and U.S.A." says that UN and Arab League Special Representative for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi has hosted talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov; p 8 (544 words).


1. Alexander Vorobyov et al. report headlined "Springboard From Sochi" says that Sberbank has not prolonged contract with Magomed Bibilov's Razvitie Kurortov company for the construction of one of the biggest ski resorts in Sochi; p 1 (652 words).

2. Rinat Sagdiyev article headlined "Millionaire From Customs" looks at the lawsuit of the founder and the first head of the Russian customs Anatoly Kruglov against Shalva Chigirinsky's structures heard in the High Court of London; pp 1-2 (1,137 words).

3. Yelizaveta Sergina et al. report headlined "Board at Dvorkovich's" says that Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich has invited the entire board of the Rostelecom company to take part in a meeting reportedly to discuss reorganization of the company. Rumor has it that Dvorkovich may raise the issue of replacement of the company's head; pp 1, 11 (470 words).

4. Editorial headlined "Habit to Apocalypse" says that a major part of Russian society is getting ready for apocalypse allegedly due on Dec. 21 and wonders why the idea is so welcome in Russia; pp 1, 4 (600 words).

5. Maria Zheleznova article headlined "Uncoordinated Putin" says that one of opposition activist Alexei Navalny's projects, Rosagit, is going to issue posters saying "Happy New Year!" and promising a rise in utilities tariffs on behalf of President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin signaled that its reaction would be tough; p 2 (422 words).

6. Editorial headlined "Extracurricular Activities" says that most of the regions find it hard to fulfill Putin's promises to make school teachers' salaries equal average salary in the region and looks at the steps the regions may resort to; p 4 (301 words).

7. Irina Novikova report "Medvedev's Core" says that it has been suggested that experts of the open government should discuss at a final meeting political issues, including elections and Medvedev's election prospects. However, the agenda of the meeting was changed in the last minute and its organizer quit; p 2 (600 words).

8. Maxim Tovkaylo report "Oboronservis Loses Import" says that the biggest contract to import weapons for the Russian Armed Forces may be revised. Rostekhnologii may get it instead of the Defense Ministry's plant; p 2 (600 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Timofei Borisov interview with Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov headlined "Life After Storm," where he speaks about the work of the ministry, most probable threats awaiting the country next year and corruption in his ministry; pp 1, 5 (2,300 words).

2. Article by chairman of the State Duma committee on labor, social policy and veterans Andrei Isayev headlined "How Justice Is Built" looks at the steps President Vladimir Putin has made to fulfill his pre-election promises relating to social policy; pp 1, 9 (1,700 words).

3. Igor Dunayevsky article headlined "Response Will Be Adequate" says that the U.S. Senate has approved the bill to cancel the Jackson-Vanik amendment and introduce financial and visa sanctions against the Russian officials thought to be involved in the death of lawyer Sergei Magnitskiy in a Moscow remand centre; p 2 (150 words).

4. Valery Vyzhutovich article headlined "No Veritas in Vino" looks at the recent developments in Georgia, the escalating struggle for power and ponders over the prospects of Russian-Georgian relations; p 3 (700 words).

5. Vladimir Kuzmin article headlined "Understandable Chinese" looks at the meeting of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao in Moscow; p 3 (600 words).

6. Oleg Drobotov article headlined "Malkin's Defence" says that deputy head of the Federation Council's international affairs committee Vitaly Malkin has settled the issue with the Canadian authorities; p 4 (1,000 words).

7. Yevgeny Shestakov article headlined "Long Farewell" looks at the meeting of OSCE Council of Foreign Ministers in Dublin; p 6 (550 words).

8. Alexander Yemelyanenkov article headlined "Hillary Opposes Again" says that the main purpose behind U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to Prague was to lobby the interests of the Westinghouse company competing with a Czech-Russian consortium at the tender for the extension of a nuclear power plant; p 8 (700 words).

9. Article by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and State Secretary Grigory Karasin headlined "Arguments and Diaspora" looks at Russians living abroad; p 9 (1,700 words).


1. Darya Mazayeva article headlined "Trials May Be Closed for Journalists" says that the State Duma has drafted a bill to limit mass media outlets' access to court hearings; pp 1, 4 (365 words).

2. Irina Foksha report "Putin Will Dedicate Address to Patriotism and Fight Against Corruption" looks at Putin's address to the Federal Assembly; p 1 (500 words).

3. Alexei Mikhailov and Dmitry Balburov article headlined "Bomber Aircraft Su-34 Recognized Non-Combat" says that a military commission has studied the results of performance of Su-34 aircraft within six years and come to the conclusion that all the 16 aircraft supplied to the aviation have significant defects; p 3 (616 words).

4. Svetlana Subbotina article headlined "Dismissal in Spring 2013 Forecast for Medvedev" refers to experts of the Institute of Globalization Problems as saying that Dmitry Medvedev's government will be dismissed in spring 2013 and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin is the most probable candidate to replace Medvedev; p 3 (568 words).

5. Yury Matsarsky article headlined "Egyptian Islamists Begin to Kill Opponents" says that clashes between the supporters of the Egyptian president and the opposition may result in major bloodshed; p 5 (411 words).

6. Article by political analyst Boris Mezhuyev headlined "Presumed Guilty" comments on the approval of the Magnitsky bill by the U.S. Senate and says that it was definitely a violation of the presumed guilty notion, which, however, is unlikely to have a significant effect on those included in the Magnitsky list; p 7 (643 words).

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Alexander Minkin report "Something Breaks in Head" says that many officials in Russia are incapable of doing their work properly. Author wonders why they have been appointed to their posts then and says that in this country, there is only one person who can appoint anyone, and everyone knows who it is. However, it is a mystery why he appoints the people who are knowingly unable to do their job, author says; pp 1-2 (600 words).

2. Marina Perevozkina report "Kabardino-Balkaria's Hot Resorts" looks at the murder of TV journalist Kazbek Gekkiyev in Nalchik; pp 1-2 (600 words).

3. Mikhail Zubov report "Will Revolution Begin in One-2 Years?" says that experts have explained to the Russian opposition why people are sleeping and how to wake them up; p 2 (500 words).

4. Stanislav Belkovsky report "People-Cuckold" looks at the results and importance of the protest movement in Russia; p 3 (1,300 words).

RBK Daily

1. Alexander Litoi article headlined "Psychology of Protest" says that a protest in Kopeisk prison was predicted already a year ago by psychologists who worked in the facility; pp 1-2 (400 words).

2. Svetlana Makunina article headlined "Deputies to Earn According to Rules" says that the State Duma commission for deputies' incomes will change the format of its work and focus on developing the legal base in order to impose sanctions in the future, rather than investigate the cases of 30 deputies allegedly involved in illegal business; p 2 (300 words).

3. Anastasia Shmarina article headlined "Chinese Economy on Its Way to Recovery" says that the growth of the Chinese economy will continue only if new expansionary measures are introduced; p 10 (600 words).

Novaya Gazeta

1. Vladimir Pastukhov article headlined "In Order to Survive, Putin Has to Become Stalin" says that the Kremlin has begun to optimize its regime by stealing the slogans of the opposition and chasing former high-ranking officials; pp 3-4 (1,900 words).

2. Irina Gordiyenko article headlined "Militants Make 'Death List' of Journalists" comments on the murder of TV journalist Kazbek Gekkiyev and says that more journalists in Kabardino-Balkaria have received threats; p 5 (500 words).

3. Irina Lukyanova article headlined "Minister Livanov Ran in With Bucket of Petrol" says that the policy of Education Ministry causes continuing discontent of Russian education workers; p 6 (850 words).

Moskovskiye Novosti

1. One of Pussy Riot punk band members Yekaterina Samutsevich explains why the band has not been included in the Kandinsky award short list, comments on the Pussy Riot trial and problems of the Russian Orthodox Church; pp 14-15 (1,500 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda

1. Viktor Baranets article headlined "Ordered to Get Back What Was Sold at Low Price" says that Russian Defense Minister has ordered to get back all the ministerial property sold at low price through court lawsuits; p 4 (500 words).

2. Sergei Polosatov article headlined "Sacrifice" says that protest leaders may gain profit if opposition activists from the Left Front movement are sentenced to terms in prison; p 5 (400 words).

3. Alexei Drobotov and Yulia Vernikovskaya article headlined "TV Host Shot Dead Right After News Bulletin" looks into different theories of journalist Kazbek Gekkiyev's murder in Kabardino-Balkaria; p 6 (400 words).

Dec. 7, 2012/BBC Monitoring/©BBC? 

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