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Media Watchdog Blocks Access to Russian PornHub, 10 More Adult Sites

Roskomnadzor warned in its Monday statement that distributing illegal pornographic content online is punishable by a prison term of two to six years. Sharpemtbr / Pixabay

Communications watchdog Roskomnadzor has blocked access to the Russian version of PornHub and 10 other porn sites in a move that will complicate Russians' access to online porn.

The watchdog published an online statement Monday announcing a ban on 11 websites ruled to contain unlawful pornographic content based on a Krasnodar region's court ruling.

??he list of banned websites includes the Russian-language version of PornHub — one of the Internet's biggest free porn portals — the news website reported, citing a copy of the ruling. was unavailable Tuesday, and a message said it had been blocked for containing unlawful content.

The court said PornHub and 10 other websites violated a regulatory law protecting children from harmful information, reported.

Roskomnadzor warned in its Monday statement that distributing illegal pornographic content online is punishable by a prison term of two to six years.

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