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What the Papers Say, Sept. 25, 2013


1. Natalya Ilyina article headlined "Online land re-allotment" says that the Economic Development Ministry has drafted amendments to the Land Code, which oblige the authorities to publish information about free plots of land and put them up for sale on potential buyers' requests; pp 1, 6 (591 words).

2. Oleg Rubnikovich et al. article headlined "Connection with Voentelekom established, wait" says that the former director-general of the Voentelekom company has been detained on suspicion of large-scale fraud; p 1 (641 words).

3. Irina Nagornykh article headlined "United Russia may gather without Putin" says that the ruling United Russia party will hold a party congress on Oct. 3 to Oct. 5. United Russia members want President Vladimir Putin to take part in the meeting, but Putin is not planning to so far; pp 1-2 (517 words).

4. Olga Shestopal and Svetlana Dementyeva article headlined "Payment system waits for regulator" says that Alexei Belov, one of the authors of the law on national payment system, is aspiring to the post of the Central Bank deputy head in charge of the Russian payment market; pp 1, 10 (621 words).

5. Dmitry Komarov and Ivan Sinergiyev article headlined "Yevgeny Roizman tested by demarche" says that deputies of the Yekaterinburg city council have approved Sept. 8 election winner Yevgeny Roizman as mayor. The A Just Russia party and the Russian Party of Pensioners tried to wreck the meeting and accused United Russia members of obtaining seats illegally; p 2 (583 words).

6. Grigory Tumanov et al. article headlined "Greenpeace activists detained for boarding" says that the Russian Investigative Committee has initiated criminal proceedings against Greenpeace activists who tried to get onto the Prirazlomnaya oil rig in the Pechora Sea. They may be charged with piracy, the article says; p 3 (868 words).

7. Sergei Goryashko article headlined "Internet music should remain free by 68 percent" says that a public opinion poll conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation has shown that 79 percent of respondents are aware of the anti-piracy law, which has recently come into effect in Russia, but 49 percent of the Russian internet users disapprove of it; p 3 (520 words).

8. Alexander Zheglov article headlined "Bribe under migration control" details a corruption scandal that has erupted in the Russian Investigative Committee; p 5 (723 words).

9. Igor Lesovskikh article headlined "'Pilot was drinking liqueur from decanter'" says that the Russian Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK) has completed a probe into the June 2012 crash of an An-2 aircraft in the Sverdlovsk region, which claimed the lives of 13 people. An error by the pilot who could be drunk is the only cause of the accident, the article says; p 7 (619 words).

10. Alexander Chernykh et al. article headlined "Russian Academy of Sciences retreats to scientific institutes" says that the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences has conceded defeat in opposing a bill on reforms in the academy, which may be passed today by the Federation Council. Now, academicians will focus on the main demand that scientific institutes should be left subordinate to the academy; p 7 (602 words).

11. Yelena Chernenko article headlined "Barack Obama insists on U.S. exceptionalism" reports on the 68th session of the UN General Assembly, focusing on U.S. President Barack Obama's speech on the U.S. policy on Syria; p 8 (880 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Vladimir Mukhin article headlined "Damascus plan for Russian peacekeepers" says that Russian peacekeepers may be involved in the guarding and protection of chemical weapons in Syria. A concrete mechanism of their involvement will be defined after the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons make a corresponding decision; pp 1-2 (745 words).

2. Ivan Rodin and Alexei Gorbachev article headlined "'Bolotnaya amnesty' not ruled out" says that two more defendants in the so-called Bolotnaya case on the May 6, 2012, riots on Bolotnaya Square have filed complaints with the European Court of Human Rights. The active participation of the ECHR in the Bolotnaya case urges the Russian authorities to consider granting an amnesty to the participants in the case, the article says; pp 1, 3 (1,281 words).

3. Sergei Kulikov article headlined "Gazprom gets enmeshed in advance payments" says that the situation around Russian gas supplies to China has become so complicated that even the leadership of the Russian gas giant Gazprom has expressed contrary views of it; pp 1, 4 (632 words).

4. Yevgenia Novikova article headlined "Prohibited Muslim Brotherhood members flex their muscles" says that the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt has been outraged by the ban on its activity and analysts do not rule out that the organization will go underground and plunge into terrorism; pp 1, 8 (707 words).

5. Editorial headlined "Point terrorist attacks before Olympics" recalls recent terrorist attacks committed by suicide bombers in the North Caucasus and looks at reasons behind terrorists stirring up their activity; p 2 (548 words).

6. Darya Garmonenko article headlined "Fridge for Nadezhda" says that representatives from the president's human rights council have arrived in the Republic of Mordovia to inspect the prison conditions of convicted Pussy Riot punk group member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and other convicts. Earlier, Tolokonnikova went on a hunger strike in protest of poor prison conditions; p 3 (412 words).

7. Mikhail Sergeiev article headlined "Risks of oil production to be weighed at forum in Salekhard" looks ahead at an international arctic forum to open today in Salekhard, which the Russian, Finnish and Icelandic presidents will attend; p 4 (602 words).

8. Kirill Rodionov article headlined "Taboo issue of our time" looks at multiculturalism in Russia and Russia's migration policy; p 5 (1,136 words).

9. Yury Paniyev interview with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, headlined "'Now is not time for half measures'", speaks about the Syrian crisis and the UN's development after 2015; p 8 (848 words).


1. Alexandra Terentyeva article headlined "China takes potassium" says that the Chinese sovereign wealth fund Chengdong Investment Corporation has acquired a 12.5 percent stake in the Russian potash producer Uralkali, thus becoming the second largest shareholder; pp 1, 13 (737 words).

2. Lilia Biryukova and Maria Zheleznova article headlined "Moscow to become personal" says that by the end of the autumn session, the State Duma will pass a bill, under which the number of seats in regional parliaments distributed by party lists will be reduced to 25 percent; pp 1-2 (789 words).

3. Editorial headlined "Flat mandatory insurance" comments on an idea to introduce a mandatory housing insurance in Russia; pp 1, 6 (411 words).

4. Maria Zheleznova article headlined "Paternalized democracy" says that a public opinion poll conducted by the Levada Centre independent pollster has suggested that 56 percent of Russians think that democracy is necessary for Russia, which is by 10 percent less than in 2005; p 2 (350 words).

5. Anastasia Kornya article headlined "'Bolotnaya' may be freed" says that the head of the State Duma committee on legislation has backed an idea to grant an amnesty to the defendants in the so-called Bolotnaya case on the May 6, 2012, riots on Bolotnaya Square. Experts say the matter concerns political will only; p 2 (521 words).

6. Ilya Klishin article headlined "Maximal re-tweet: Public opinion — cheap" says that commentaries from Internet users paid by the Kremlin have played a special role in the Sept. 8 elections. The Kremlin is slowly but effectively wining the internet from the opposition, the article says; p 7 (442 words).

7. Andrei Ryabov article headlined "Political economy: New political period" contemplates prospects for the development of the political situation in Russia given various interpretations of the Sept. 8 election results; p 7 (652 words).

8. Grigory Yudin article headlined "Public opinion: forecast for past" looks at the role of pollsters in Russian politics given that forecasts for the outcome of the Sept. 8 elections did not prove true; p 6 (1,070 words).


1. Alexander Yunashev interview with President Vladimir Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov, headlined "'Putin works so hard that private life is not possible'", denies rumours about Putin's marriage and describes Putin's mode of life; pp 1, 4 (1,214 words).

2. Vladimir Zykov article headlined "Google accused of undermining state security" says that Denis Davydov, CEO of the League of Secure Internet, has written a letter to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, in which he accused Google of revealing information about the performance of Russian state bodies of power; pp 1, 4 (761 words).

3. Olesya Elkova article headlined "Kerimov shares Uralkali stake with Chinese" says that the Chinese sovereign wealth fund Chengdong Investment Corporation has acquired a 12.5 percent stake in the Russian potash giant company Uralkali; pp 1, 6 (650 words).

4. Sergei Podosenov article headlined "Dismissal of government may be put to vote in October" says that the Communist Party is planning to hold a non-confidence vote in late October when the State Duma considers the federal budget for 2014 to 2016; p 2 (640 words).

5. Yelena Teslova article headlined "They try to bring Boris Nemtsov under article on extremism" focuses on a scandal involving co-chairman of the RPR-Parnas party Boris Nemtsov, who was elected deputy of the Yaroslavl region duma on Sept. 8. Nemtsov was suspected of extremism following statements made at the Sept. 5 rally in Yaroslavl in support of the arrested former mayor Yevgeny Urlashov; p 3 (1,068 words).

6. Lyudmila Podobedova article headlined "Rosneft and Gazprom compete for Sakhalin-1" says that the oil company Rosneft and gas giant Gazprom have clashed over gas purchases from the Exxon company, an operator of the Sakhalin-1 project; p 5 (859 words).

7. Mikhail Vignansky article headlined "Saakashvili complains to UN about demarcation of border" says that the demarcation of the border between Georgia and Georgia's breakaway republic South Ossetia by Russian border guards has provoked political clashes between Russia and Georgia; p 7 (652 words).

8. Darya Tsoy article headlined "Obama calls on UN for tough resolution on Syria" says that U.S. President Barack Obama has asked to include a provision on the use of force against Damascus in a future UN Security Council resolution on Syria if the Syrian authorities fail to meet agreements on its chemical weapons; p 7 (503 words).

9. Eduard Limonov article headlined "Terrorist attack in Nairobi is mini-Syria" blames the West for the Kenyan trade centre siege as it is its erroneous policy on the Middle East and North Africa that has created the conditions for it; p 9 (821 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Tatyana Smolyakova interview with presidential envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District, Yuriy Trutnev, headlined "Walking on water", speaks about the situation in the district hit by heavy floods and damage caused by the flooding; p 1 (2,972 words).

2. Maxim Makarychev article headlined "Americans fired at friends" looks at the Islamists' attack in Nairobi and says that U.S., Canadian and United Kingdom citizens allegedly took part in it; pp 1, 8 (350 words).

3. Tamara Shkel article headlined "Deputies to fly to Damascus" says that the State Duma is planning to send a group of lawmakers to Syria; p 2 (564 words).

4. Vladislav Vorobyev article headlined "They say UN, but mean Syria" says that the so-called "ministerial week" has begun in New York as part of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will hold 55 meetings, the article says; p 3 (686 words).

5. United Russia lawmaker Andrei Isayev article headlined "Year later" looks at how President Vladimir Putin has been implementing three tasks defined in an article published by a Russian newspaper in 2012; p 3 (453 words).

6. Natalya Kozlova article headlined "Pirates of Barents Sea" says the Russian Investigative Committee has launched a criminal case against the Greenpeace activists who tried to climb on the Russian oil rig in the Pechora Sea; p 6 (450 words).

7. Fedor Lukyanov article headlined "European China" comments on the parliamentary election in Germany; p 8 (710 words).

8. Mikhail Barshchevskiy interview with Deputy Communications and Mass Media Minister Alexei Volin, headlined "Censorship. NET", who speaks about censorship in the internet; p 17 (1,374 words).

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Eva Merkacheva article headlined "Trojan knight's move by justice" says that the Russian authorities have made a big mistake by sending convicted Pussy Riot punk group member Nadezhda Tolokonikova to the republic of Mordovia to serve her term in the most terrible prison in Russia; pp 1-2 (531 words).

2. Marina Perevozkina article headlined "Entire Caucasus killed diplomat" says that a second suspect in the murder of a Russian diplomat in Georgia's breakaway republic Abkhazia has been detained; pp 1-2 (807 words).

3. Natalya Rozhkova article headlined "From Zurich with love for United Russia" says that following the Communist Party's request, the Central Elections Commission has carried out a check and has not found any evidence of the ruling United Russia party being financed from abroad; p 2 (527 words).

4. Igor Karmazin article headlined "Yevgeny Roizman assumes office" says that opposition politician Yevgeni Roizman has been sworn in as mayor; p 2 (301 words).

5. Vladislav Inozemtsev article headlined "Checkmate within two years" tries to find out why Putin's brainchild, the Eurasian Union, has not been established and prospects for it are bleak; p 3 (1,133 words).

6. Olga Bozhyeva interview headlined "Treatment prescribed to military medicine" with Major General Alexander Fisun, chief of the Defense Ministry's Main Military Medical Directorate, speaking about the situation in military healthcare after former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov's notorious reforms; p 4 (1,367 words).

Noviye Izvestia

1. Vera Maslakova and Mikhail Nikiforenko article headlined "Let them speak" says lawmakers often ignore public opinion while drafting their bills. A number of experts comment on the Russian practice of discussing proposed legislation publicly; pp 1-2 (800 words).

2. Nadezhda Bulanova article headlined "They will turn pages" says the Roskomnadzor media watchdog has blocked over 2,000 websites for promoting suicides over less than a year; pp 1, 5 (397 words).

3. Veronika Vorontsova and Margarita Alekhina interview with Finnish human rights activist Johan Backman, headlined "'Children seized from families in Finland with no investigation or trial'", speaks about Russian women's family problems in Finland; pp 1, 5 (1,358 words).

4. Vera Moslakova article headlined "Experts say Russian lawmakers' trip to Syria a publicity stunt" features two Russian experts' critical comments on the State Duma's plans to send a group of lawmakers to Syria; p 2 (211 words).

5. Anatoly Stepovoy article headlined "Standstill before calm" says that no developments have been observed on the Russian political stage after the Sept. 8 elections. All the participants in the elections seem to be satisfied with the election results; p 2 (600 words).

6. Yelena Firsova article headlined "Zone of special attention" says investigators are looking into a complaint by Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, a jailed member of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot. Tolokonnikova has claimed that she is receiving threats from the penal colony management; p 5 (600 words).


1. Alexander Protsenko article headlined "We will go north" looks ahead at President Putin's visit to Salekhard to take part in an international Arctic forum there; pp 1, 3 (969 words).

2. Yana Pryamilova article headlined "So that everyone feels good" interviews the new mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman, who is associated with the opposition; p 2 (400 words).

3. Yevgeny Akatov article headlined "Will Russia have contract army?" says that the Defense Ministry will spend 25 million rubles ($780,000) to promote contract army service and features experts' comments on the issue; p 3 (371 words).

4. Alexander Mikhaylov article headlined "Sound of thunder" says Russian pilots have participated in a military exercise in Kyrgyzstan; p 4 (300 words).

RBC Daily

1. Alexander Litoy article headlined "Greenpeace accused of piracy" features a Russian lawyer's comment on the detention of Greenpeace activists in the Arctic; p 2 (200 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda

1. Ganna Sapozhnikova article headlined "Why Yekaterinburg votes for Roizman" interviews the new mayor of Yekaterinburg, Yevgeny Roizman; pp 1, 12-13 (2,600 words).

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