1. Roman Rozhkov and Vladimir Lavitsky article headlined "Frequency and Order" says that the mobile phone operators Megafon, MTS and VimpelCom as well as the Rostelekom communications company have won a tender to launch the 4G communications network LTE in Russia. The defeated companies will not challenge the results of the tender and will be offered other frequency ranges; pp 1, 10 (529 words).
2. Sergei Mashkin article headlined "Pulling Tires Over" says that Finnish company Nokian Tyres has sued its St. Petersburg partner, seeking to enforce a debt for the supplied tires, but turned out to be indebted to it. The problem has been solved after the Prosecutor General's Office got involved in the issue; pp 1, 4 (1,117 words).
3. Andrei Kolesnikov report headlined "Tuzla Issue No Longer Exists" gives an account of President Vladimir Putin's visit to Ukraine. The Russian and Ukrainian presidents signed a declaration on the delimitation of the sea border in the Strait of Kerch, according to which the disputed island of Tuzla is finally given to Ukraine; pp 1, 3 (933 words).
4. Svetlana Mentyukova and Tamila Dzhodzhua article headlined "Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to Play English Game" says that FIDE head Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and one of the UK's largest funds, Ashmore Group, will set up a joint investment fund of up to $10 billion dollars; p 1 (624 words).
5. Taisia Bekbulatova and Maxim Ivanov article headlined "Defamation Worth a Million" says that Friday the State Duma will consider in the second and final readings a bill re-qualifying defamation as a criminal offense. A fine of up to 5 million rubles ($151,500 dollars) will be introduced for defaming judges, prosecutors and investigators; p 2 (575 words).
6. Irina Granik article headlined "'We Pity Andrew Somers Very Much'" says that Alexander Shokhin, head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE), has asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting in Yekaterinburg to withdraw foreign participants in the RUIE, the Russian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Trade and other business organizations from the operations of the law on NGOs. Medvedev promised to solve the problem; p 2 (540 words).
7. Maxim Ivanov et al. article headlined "New Council Given to People's Constitutional Rights" says that two new structures have been set up in the presidential administration: an expert council at the directorate for ensuring citizens' constitutional rights and a commission to control the activities of presidential administration officials; p 2 (938 words).
8. Sergei Goryashko article headlined "Moscow Protest Changes Leaders" says that according to a public opinion poll conducted by the All-Russia Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), blogger Alexei Navalny has replaced Grigory Yavlinsky as the most respected protest leader after the March of Millions rally on June 12 in Moscow; p 5 (620 words).
9. Grigory Tumanov article headlined "May 6 Not Over" says that the organizers of a July 26 rally in support of the protesters involved in the case on the May 6 riots on Moscow's Bolotnaya Ploshchad cannot get Moscow authorities' permission to hold the rally at the desired venue. Meanwhile, it says an Other Russia activist may receive political asylum abroad; p 5 (430 words).
10. Kirill Belyaninov article headlined "Russia Organizes Trip According to 'Magnitsky List'" says that a Federation Council delegation has paid a visit to the United States to try to persuade U.S. congressmen to revise their stance on the "Magnitsky law," however the efforts were in vain; p 6 (630 words).
11. Pavel Tarasenko article headlined "Olympic Games Switch to Martial Law" says that UK authorities have decided to urgently re-deploy 3,500 British servicemen from Germany to ensure security at the Summer Olympic Games because a company that won a tender to train over 10,000 security specialists has turned out to be unprepared for such a scale of work; p 6 (426 words).
12. Alexander Reutov article headlined "Officials Flee From Syria" says that the Syrian ambassador in Iraq has taken the side of the Syrian opposition, thus becoming the most high-ranking official to betray the ruling regime; p 6 (421 words).
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
1. Ivan Rodin article headlined "Protest Electorate to Remain Election Crowd" says that only 20 of 33 registered political parties have been authorized to stand in the autumn regional elections so far. Most of them will rely on support from the opposition electorate as well as voters of the Communist Party and the Just Russia party; pp 1, 3 (694 words).
2. Vladislav Maltsev article headlined "Sacramental Crime by Pussy Riot" says that a Moscow prosecutor's office has approved charges against members of the punk band Pussy Riot charged with hooliganism at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral and sent the materials to the Khamovnichesky District Court. The wording of the charges is surprising as they contain many of religious terms, which is unusual for a secular state; pp 1 — 2 (643 words).
3. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Putin Makes Yanukovych Nervous" looks at the agenda of the July 12 meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents in Yalta and features experts' comments on the issue; pp 1 — 2 (611 words).
4. Mikhail Sergeyev article headlined "Bankers to Have to Join Together to Form New Anti-Crisis Fund" says that Deposit Insurance Agency head Alexander Turbanov has suggested establishing an anti-crisis fund for banks to be sponsored by banks, not by the state; pp 1 — 4 (732 words).
5. Alexandra Samarina article headlined "Russian Dictionary of Insulting Words" says that a bill increasing the fine for an insult tenfold is planned to be submitted to the State Duma for consideration in September. Politicians see the move as continuation of the authorities' tough policy on the opposition; pp 1 — 2 (1,076 words).
6. Grigory Mikhailov and Viktoria Panfilova article headlined "Kyrgyz Female Prisoners" says that Kyrgyz human rights activists have launched yet another campaign against bride kidnapping; pp 1, 6 (720 words).
7. Editorial headlined "That Sort of Figures" lists problems that make Russians leave the Far East and Siberia relying on a recent public opinion poll conducted by pollster VTsIOM and says that Russian authorities should focus on settling these problems rather than on establishing certain structures to develop these regions, otherwise these regions will be lost; p 2 (564 words).
8. Olga Shulga article headlined "State Duma Returns to Deputies' Declarations" says that the State Duma commission for control over the credibility of income and property declarations submitted by deputies has discussed those parliamentarians whose expenses differed from incomes in 2011. Experts and deputies cast doubt on the effectiveness of the commission; p 3 (555 words).
9. Viktor Litovkin article headlined "Black and White Stripes" looks at successes achieved by the Russia-NATO Council and major disagreements between Russia and the alliance; p 3 (860 words).
10. Aleksei Gorbachyov article headlined "'Bolotnaya Emigration" says that Russian opposition leaders have asked Investigations Committee head Alexander Bastrykin to terminate criminal proceedings over the May 6 riots on Moscow's Bolotnaya Ploshchad and release the detainees. Meanwhile, Solidarity opposition movement activist Anastasia Rybachenko may stay in Germany after searches have been carried out at her home as part of the investigation into the riots; p 3 (602 words).
11. Igor Naumov article headlined "Strategic Initiatives Agency Reveals Its 'Road Maps'" says that the Strategic Initiatives Agency has drafted yet another set of measures to be taken to improve Russia's business climate; p 4 (793 words).
12. Darya Tsilyurik article headlined "Olympic London to Stick in Memory by Rains and Missiles" says that the UK weather and terrorists are considered to be the main threats to the Summer Olympic Games to begin in late July. Tens of thousands of soldiers and policemen as well as military hardware and surface-to-air missile systems are planned to be used to ensure security during the games; p 7 (775 words).
13. Nikolai Surkov article headlined "Muhammad Mursi Conducts Reconnaissance in Force" says that the Egyptian military has won the first round of confrontation with the newly elected president, who decided to meet a court ruling overturning his decree to reinstate parliament. Now the sides will fight for control over the People's Assembly; p 7 (628 words).
1. Dmitry Kazmin et al. article headlined "Official by Measure" looks at the Economic Development Ministry's draft project introducing key performance indicators, KPI, to appraise the activity of Russian ministers and heads of federal agencies and services; pp 1, 3 (980 words).
2. Yelena Mazneva article headlined "Alternative to Gazprom" says that the Novatek independent gas manufacturer has reportedly signed a $6 billion euro gas contract with Germany; p 1 (373 words).
3. Mikhail Overchenko article headlined "Rituals of Associated 'Family'" says that businessman Oleg Deripaska's lawyer has made a speech in the London High Court; pp 1, 8 (684 words).
4. Editorial headlined "Legal Symphony" says that borders are being removed between secular and religious legal norms in Russia judging by the religious wording of charges against members of the punk band Pussy Riot and the recent trial between the Consumer Rights Protection Agency and the Russian Orthodox Church; pp 1, 4 (527 words).
5. Mikhail Fishman article headlined "Public Interest: Reforms ala Khlestakov" comments on the recent laws vigorously passed by the State Duma and says that the move should have shown that the authorities are strong and fearless, but, on the contrary, have delivered a serious blow to the authorities' image; p 4 (475 words).
6. Yekaterina Sobol article headlined "Contract to Allow for Growth" looks at Russia's first contracts signed at the ongoing Farnborough International Airshow in the UK; p 8 (362 words).
7. Polina Khimshiashvili article headlined "Neither Gas nor Water" focuses on the results of the Russian president's visit to Ukraine; p 2 (389 words).
Rossiiskaya Gazeta
1. Yulia Krivoshapko interview with Alexander Turbanov, general director of the Deposit Insurance Agency, headlined "Deposit Hunter," who speaks about amendments to the Russian Civil Code that envisage the possibility to set up joint accounts in banks, among other things; pp 1, 5 (500 words).
2. Kira Latukhina article headlined "Reasonable Pragmatism" gives an account of the Russian president's visit to Ukraine; p 2 (900 words).
3. Valery Vyzhutovich commentary headlined "From Bulgariya to Krymsk" says that negligent performance of official duties unites the Bulgaria shipwreck in July 2011 and the major flood in Krasnodar region; p 3 (700 words).
4. Yevgeny Shestakov article headlined "On Somebody Else's Flea to Heaven" details a new clash between Russia and the United States in the UN Security Council concerning their resolutions on Syria; p 8 (600 words).
5. Viktor Feshchenko article headlined "Bazaar" features experts' comments on the decision by Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to increase the rental fees for the Russian bases deployed in those countries; p 8 (600 words).
6. Lidia Grafova interview with human rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin, headlined "'We Have Seen Light at End of Tunnel'", who speaks about his performance at the post; p 9 (1, 900 words).
1. Ivan Cheberko article headlined "GLONASS Designer-General Becomes Person Not Permitted to Travel Abroad" says that Yury Urlichich, the designer-general of GLONASS navigation system and the head of the company Russian Space Systems, has been banned from traveling abroad until January 2017; pp 1, 4 (469 words).
2. Vladimir Zykov article headlined "Law on Web Blacklists Not to Work" provides experts' comments on the law that envisages compiling a blacklist of websites that publish prohibited information and says that experts are sure that the law will do more harm than good; pp 1, 4 (855 words).
3. Pyotr Kozlov article headlined "Deripaska's Rusal Decides to Relax on Jamaica" says that Russian tycoon Oleg Deripaska's company Rusal plans to close down its last plant in Jamaica producing alumina; pp 1, 4 (583 words).
4. Denis Telmanov article headlined "Generals Equipped With Secret Phones" says that the Russian top brass has been provided with experimental smart phones using the Sapfir private communication technology instead of ordinary mobile phones; pp 1, 4 (819 words).
5. Yegor Sozayev-Guryev article headlined "Ruling Party Accuses Rivals of Act of Provocation With Stickers" says that according to two senior United Russia officials, the ruling party's political opponents are behind an incident with boxes containing humanitarian aid for the flood victims in Krasnodar region that contained party symbols, which was interpreted as a PR campaign; p 2 (446 words).
6. Dmitry Runkevich article headlined "Mikhalkov's Supporters Register Party" says that supporters of well-known film director Nikita Mikhalkov have registered their party, For Our Motherland; p 3 (369 words).
7. Konstantin Volkov article headlined "Foreign and Emergency Situations Ministries Work Out Evacuation Plan for Our Citizens in Syria" says that authorities have been preparing for how to save Russian people in Syria if the situation there deteriorates; p 5 (476 words).
8. Political expert Alexander Rahr article headlined "European Fork for Russia" looks at the economic situation in the euro zone, which is on the brink of collapse, and contemplates what way of Europe's development is more advantageous for Russia; p 8 (683 words).
9. Political expert Avigdor Eskin article headlined "Israeli Dilemma: to Strike or Not to Strike" contemplates prospects for a war between Israel and Iran; p 8 (811 words).
Moskovsky Komsomolets
1. Alexander Minkin article headlined "No Pity for Children" says that the National Association of TV and Radio Broadcasters has asked the State Duma to postpone for a year a law defending children from information that causes harm to their health and development. The pursuit of profit is behind this move, the author says; pp 1 — 2 (861 words).
2. Natalya Vedeneyeva article headlined "Shame of Space Scale" ridicules the Federal Space Agency's decision to ban Yury Urlichich, the designer-general of GLONASS navigation system and the head of the company Russian Space Systems, from travelling abroad until January 2017; pp 1, 3 (669 words).
3. Ignat Kalinin interview with Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Puchkov, headlined "'Krymsk Region Has Turned Out to Be Weak Link,'" who shares his view of the situation in the flood-stricken town of Krymsk in Krasnodar region; pp 1, 3 (1,271 words).
4. Marina Ozerova article headlined "How Bolotnaya Detainees Defended" says the organizing committee of the July 26 rally in support of the protesters involved in the case on the May 6 riots on Moscow's Bolotnaya Ploshchad has held a news conference to detail the rally; p 2 (668 words).
5. Stanislav Belkovsky article headlined "Vladimir Putin's Insomnia" comments on a bill re-qualifying defamation as a criminal offense, focusing on the most outstanding instances of defaming Vladimir Putin; p 3 (1,190 words).
6. Igor Subbotin and Renat Abdullin article headlined "'We Are Not Interested in Assad as a Human Being'" describes the West's reaction to Russia's resolution on Syria submitted to the UN Security Council and provides a comment by the former head of the Syrian National Council (SNC) on the results of a meeting between the foreign minister and SNC representatives in Moscow; p 15 (688 words).
Noviye Izvestia
1. Nikolai Snezhkov report headlined "Russian Senators Announce Their Own View of Magnitsky Case in U.S.A." focuses on a news conference held by a Federation Council delegation at the Russian embassy in Washington; p 2 (300 words).
2. Vera Moslakova article headlined "Service Dangerous and Profitable" says the Moscow riot police will be awarded 300 million rubles ($9 million) for dispersing the opposition during the May protests; p 2 (350 words).
Novaya Gazeta
1. Irina Petrovskaya article headlined "TV Set Overcomes Water Bars" slams Russian TV channels for taking advantage of the major flood in Krasnodar region to whitewash the regional head and accuse the flood victims of sluggishness; pp 1 — 2 (955 words).
2. Yulia Polukhina article headlined "Seventeen Typically Dreadful Stories" says that residents of the Vladimir region town of Aleksandrov have told Investigative Committee head Alexander Bastrykin, who has paid a visit there, about the wild outburst of crime in the region and the lawlessness and inactivity of the local police; p 7 (1,525 words).
3. Yelizaveta Slavina-Mirskaya article headlined "Bolotnaya People Sucked Down in Remand Center" says that the Moscow City Court has found legal the arrest of the protesters charged with participation in the May 6 riots at Moscow's Bolotnaya Ploshchad; p 4 (726 words).
4. Unattributed article headlined "Mikhail Khodorkovsky: Combinations Are Possible" features commentaries by Internet users on former Yukos head Mikhail Khodorkovsky's lecture entitled "Modern Social Liberalism and Economy" published by the newspaper in April; pp 8 — 9 (2,021 words).
5. Yury Revich article headlined "Black, Black List of Black, Black Internet" slams the law on Internet censorship to be passed by the State Duma on Friday; p 6 (1,235 words).
6. Alexander Shumilin article headlined "Egypt: Trap for Islamists" says the situation in Egypt is worsening; p 10 (808 words).
Komsomolskaya Pravda
1. Alexander Grishin interview with Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Puchkov, speaking about the flood in Krasnodar region, its causes and the death toll, as well as measures being taken to overcome the aftermath of the flood; p 2 (1,746 words).
2. Unattributed article headlined "Juvenile Justice: Who Needs Our Children?" features two opposite opinions on the introduction of juvenile justice in Russia; p 8 (1,228 words).
3. Oleg Bokov interview with State Duma Deputy Valery Trapeznikov, headlined "'Twitter Popularity Is Not Politics,'" who speaks about changes that the United Russia party needs, among other things; p 9 (881 words).
July 13, 2012/BBC Monitoring/©BBC
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